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Dennis Society - 1st February 2025
Malcolm Hemley RIP
Sad to report, Dennis Society member Malcolm Hemley, the ACE collector of Dennis Lawnmowers, died at the end of 2024. His funeral will take place at 10:00 on Friday 7th February at Poole Crematorium, Gravel Hill, Broadstone, Bournemouth, Poole, BH17 9BQ.

In due course, there will be an auction of Malcolm's Dennis mower and machinery collection at Southern Counties Auctioneers, Salisbury on a date to be decided.

For further information, please contact the Secretary

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David Hislop - 11th December 2024
Water Pump 1934 ACE
Dennis Members the Longreach Fire Brigade Historical society have a 1934 Dennis ACE and we are needing a water pump assembly if someone has one for sale, or some info on shaft sizing to get this one repaired and converted to a mechanical seal and replace the brass bushes on the impeller shaft and in need of new bearings seals, and one spacer for the bearings. Our unit is featured in Dennis from Longreach Queensland. thanks in advance for the assistance.
Contact the Secretary

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Dennis Society - 21st November 2024
Dennis Falcon For Sale
1949 Dennis Falcon P3, the bus is complete exterior wise, interior is stripped. The general order of the panel work will require repairs but fundamentally its all there! The engine turns, and had run in the past. Offers in the region of £5k.

Click to see an enlargement
Click on photos to see an enlargement

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Dennis Society - 4th November 2024
New Book from the Dennis Society
Dennis Lance K3 - 60 years in Preservation  
Dennis Lance K3 - 60 years in Preservation
A 24 page illustrated booklet giving the history of the 1950 Aldershot & District Dennis Lance, describing the vehicle, operational details and the story of the preservation and restoration of the vehicle over a period of 60 years.
Only £12.00

Click Here

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Nigel Bayes - 22nd September 2024
Sump wanted
Does anyone have an engine sump for an early 1930s Dennis G Type OHV petrol engine. It has to be the one with provision for an oil filter. I realise this is a long shot so any information would be much appreciated.
Contact the Secretary

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Dennis Society - 30th August 2024
Roger Heard OBE - RIP
Roger Heard OBE - RIP
Roger Heard OBE - RIP
We regret to report that Roger Heard, Deputy Chairman of the Dennis Society passed away on 29th July. Andy Goundry writes -

Roger was the deputy Chairman of the Dennis Society, who support owners of the many classic Dennis vehicles around the world. The members of the Society will greatly miss both the contribution he made to the successful running of the Society, and being able to be guided by his huge knowledge of Dennis products gained during his lifetime of employment with the company, not to mention enjoying his many anecdotes from his decades with Dennis! He was also a key member of the small team at Tilford’s Rural Life Living Museum who now look after the AD Dennis Heritage fleet of vehicles, where he will be sadly missed by both the team and the wider Museum staff.

The funeral will take place at Guildford Crematorium, New Pond Road, Godalming, GU7 3DB on Monday 9th September at 11.15 am.

Roger's wake will be held at Elstead Mill, Farnham Road, Elstead, GU8 6LE, following his funeral. All are welcome.

To make a Donations in memory of Roger, please visit Roger Alan Heard. OBE - Alan Greenwood & Sons Click Here Contributions will go to Alzheimer's Research UK.

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The Rural Life Living Museum - 5th August 2024
The Rural Life Living Museum Faces Closure
It is now nearly 2 years since the Museum began working with Alexander Dennis Ltd to secure heritage material and vehicles from the factory at Slyfield following the plant’s closure. Since then, the ‘Dennis Collection’ has grown to over 3,500 objects, with more arriving on site most weeks. We are really proud to have been able to safeguard such a vitally important part of Surrey’s manufacturing history and to share with our visitors the story of Dennis Brothers of Guildford.
The Rural Life Living Museum is deeply grateful for the support and contributions of our many stakeholders over the last 51 years. From reopening in 2021, post covid restrictions, the staff and I have worked tirelessly to grow our footfall and deal with a myriad of infrastructure issues to keep our site, collection and visitors safe. We have seen some successes with a record 44,000 visitors in the first year of reopening but our desire to make the museum financially stable has been negatively impacted by the national economic situation and several months of appalling weather through 2023 and into 2024.
We now find ourselves in a dire cash flow situation where we have had to significantly draw on our reserves in order to continue operating. This current situation is not sustainable beyond the end of this year.
We are therefore launching a fundraising campaign and we need to ask for your help.
The fundraising campaign aims to raise £150,000 by the end of October to:
  • Solve an immediate cash flow crisis and sustain the museum through the winter months when income is at its lowest.
  • Bring on board high level professional help to grow our audience to make our basic offering sustainable.
  • Return depleted reserves so that we can plan for the future and move to a sustainable operating model.
We have a new strategic plan, to be launched in January 2025. We are at the first stage of a major funded project which could transform the museum forever. The most important aim of the strategic plan is to create new and diverse income streams to ensure the museum’s long-term future.
In the short term, we have to ensure the museum stays open long enough to reach that major project milestone. If we do not raise enough funds, the museum will close.
  • The collection would be broken up and offered to other museums, but it is unlikely that this collection would be relevant elsewhere and so would go to waste transfer. While the site is ancient, it is not protected, and therefore could be developed upon and the museum in Madge & Henry’s garden would be gone forever.
  • Much loved events, such as Weyfest, would be left without a home.
  • There would be a loss of half a million pounds a year to the local economy.
  • A loss learning support to the 50+ schools and educational groups that use us every year. (3500individuals).
  • Local and national charities that make use of our site will loose opportunities for visits and work placements and partnerships
  • The purpose that brings together the community of over 150 volunteers would be gone.
  • The legacy which has created a great day out will be gone for our 40,000 visitors each year.
If you are able to make one of the first contributions to our campaign – here is a link to our fundraising page.
Your contribution will kick start our fundraising and show the general public that we are supported by you.
Please keep an eye on our social media for the announcement and funding updates. You can find us on Facebook here:

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Dennis Society - 11th July 2024
Dennis Ace 1935
Dennis Ace 1935 on ebay
ebay listing Item 176466953623 Ends 10th August

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