Dennis Society - Home Page

You are invited to subscribe to the Dennis Society that exists to promote and encourage the preservation of Dennis vehicles by individual and group efforts. We can offer access to members with a like interest and freedom to use 'Members Pages' on the web site. These contain topics of relevance to those with an interest in or who are actively restoring Dennis vehicles.

The subscriptions are:-

For individual members (via either web access or postal)
For groups (up to 50 members web access only)
For groups (over 50 members web access only)
£5 per person per year
£10 per group per year
£20 per group per year

You can download the membership form and post it to:-

Dennis Society
Hampshire House
204 Holly Road
GU12 4SE

Download Membership Form

Or you can pay on-line with PayPal

Individual members subscription is £5.00 per year

Groups (Up to 50) subscription is £10.00 per year

Groups (Over 50) subscription is £20.00 per year

You can also make a donation

Dennis Society CalendarDennis Society Calendars 1901 to 2099
You can print any calendar from 1901 to 2099 on an A4 page; the calendar can start on any day of the week and any month of the year, with or without Easter Sundays marked in red, you can also used this file to look up any date from 1901 to 2099.
Also available is a file to make an A4 Wall Planners for the years 1901 to 2099.
These are interactive Excel (Microsoft Excel 2000) files.
FREE (Just download and print)
Calendars 1901 to 2099 (707kb)
Wall Planners 1901 to 2099 (218kb)

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